Extreme Summer Temperatures Expected to Drive Cooling Costs to 10-Year High

According to reporting from NBC News, the average American household will spend over $700 to keep their homes cool this summer, an 8 percent increase from last year, and a nearly $150 increase from 2021.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2024 is expected to be one of the warmest years in history, with a 61 percent chance of this year being the hottest on record.

Homeowners in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana can expect electrical costs to soar to over $800, while residents in the mid-Atlantic could see a 12 percent jump in their summer electric bills compared to last year.

Extreme heat raises critical issues about the building envelope and ensuring cool air from air conditioning doesn’t escape the home. Homeowners can protect their families from uncomfortable and life-threatening weather by installing spray foam insulation, the premier all-in-one insulation and air barrier that saves money.

When it comes to staying cool this summer, home insulation plays a critical role. Spray foam insulation is a cost-effective way to lock in cool air from your air conditioning while blocking hot air from outside.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, air leaks can waste up to 40% of the energy used to heat and cool a typical home. That’s why spray foam insulation in your home can save up to 15% on heating and cooling costs alone. Not wasting energy on air leaks means we also don’t have to use as much energy taxing our grids at a critical time. Additionally, Congress invested in upgrading residential insulation via the 25C tax credits, which allows homeowners to get up to $1,200 to cover upfront costs of sealing your home with spray foam insulation.

Stay cool this summer by learning more about the benefits of spray foam insulation.

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