
Fast Company: Why Biden Just Used One Of His Most Significant Powers On Insulation

In order to increase the nation’s ability to use and conserve clean energy, Biden is calling on the insulation industry to get more of its products into walls. The ...

Utility Dive: As Storm Season Begins, White House Building Code Initiative Aims To Cut Energy Waste, Build Resilient Homes

Modernizing building codes will “not only save money by protecting people’s property and lowering energy costs, but we will also protect people’s lives by making our infrastructure more ...

The Form Morgan Times: In Colorado, new buildings will pollute less under new bill. But what impact will that have?

A bill approved by Colorado lawmakers will require local governments updating their building codes to adopt standards to make new buildings and homes more energy-efficient and less polluting.

Real Simple: Eco-Friendly Upgrades That Will Increase Your Home’s Value

Spray foam insulation has a higher R-value (resistance to heat flow) than the more traditional fiberglass insulation, giving you more control over the heating and cooling of your home—and ...

Forbes: Nature Can Huff And Puff, But It Won’t Blow These Homes Down

“The failure mode for most buildings is when the roof separates from the walls,” Brady said. “Our product has been tested in these circumstances. In accordance with NAHB testing, spray ...